Helping a Couple Return Home
Stories from the Street: NWCC's Humanitarian Impact
NWCC’s Terrance saying goodbye as Heidi and Korey head back home to the Seattle area.
A Story of Hope
This young couple, Heidi and Korey, were living in a tent on 16th and Lovejoy. NWCC humanitarian team member Terrance spoke with them and learned that Heidi is in a drug treatment program in the Seattle area but came down to Portland to help Korey. They ended up getting stuck in Portland and were unable to get help.
How to Help?
Terrance confirmed that Heidi is a part of the program in Port Angeles, and our team worked to get them both a bus ticket, food, and shelter in Seattle so they can get back to where they have support. Korey was able to come with Heidi and plans on joining the drug treatment program as well. They have family in the Seattle area, so they should be well supported as they begin the next phase in their lives.
Heidi and Korey were so grateful to Terrance and the NWCC humanitarian team for being in the right place and time to help them.