Invest in your Community

Your donation increases humanitarian services in the Pearl District, enhancing livability and fostering a thriving business environment.

  • Hotline: NWCC member response time - 9 minutes, with appropriate actions taken.

  • 75% reduction of tents in the Pearl.

  • 2,003 individuals into shelters and services in 23 months: A humanitarian approach to homelessness and getting people into shelters and services.

  • Strong leadership advocating for our community: NWCC News.

  • Increased security to reduce vandalism and crime.

  • Daily reporting of work on the streets of the Pearl District.

  • Monthly reporting of results to the community.

Be part of the movement to restore the Pearl District’s livability and safety!

Portland's community and philanthropic leaders, Al Solheim and Partners, Mary & Tim Boyle, Bobbi & Ray Davis, Keen, and the NWCC Board have generously donated to support NWCC and invite you to join them.

Your contribution today will support humanitarian outreach and the supplies and services needed.

Your support can make all the difference—together, let’s build a stronger future for the Pearl District!

Ways to Give:

  • IRA Contribution from Required Mandatory Distribution

  • Oregon Community Foundation Advised Fund Gifts

  • Foundation Gifts

  • Family Foundation Gifts

  • Corporate Donations

Interested in learning more?

Contact Chase McPherson, Executive Director, at

The Northwest Community Conservancy (NWCC) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 87-2493700 under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code).

Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.


NWCC is a dedicated advocate for the Pearl District, championing public safety, driving business attraction, and fostering a vibrant, thriving community. We are focused on building lasting impact and sustainable solutions that reflect the needs and aspirations of those who live, work, play and learn in the Pearl District.

NWCC’s Impact Team: Making differnce in the Pearl Community. Read more in the NWCC News.

NWCC’s community coordinator is making a difference with NWCC’s humanitarian efforts, providing support to those in need. Read more in the NWCC News.

NWCC Endorsement 

"Our membership in NWCC has been very valuable. We have called the hotline on numerous occasions and found the response time of an average of 8-9 minutes extremely effective. We see the Echelon security officers patrolling our area, which has helped reduce the number of houseless and tents that used to be rampant on our property adjacent to I-405. NWCC's ongoing work to clean up and revitalize the Pearl is working."

- Cary Ely, Director of Stores, BASCO Appliances

Read more about the impact NWCC is making on the community here.