NWCC Portland Rotary Presentation

Stan Penkin and Ken Thrasher present the NWCC initiative to the Portland Rotary.

PDNA and NWCC share their joint efforts to revitalize the Pearl District. 

Ken Thrasher/NWCC and Stan Penkin/PDNA and NWCC, share their joint efforts to revitalize the Pearl District. 

Discussions centered around making a difference in the Pearl. The Northwest Community Conservancy (NWCC) is a unique and comprehensive humanitarian and security initiative aimed at improving the safety and livability of all who live, work, play and learn in the Pearl District.

Topics included:  

  • Why does the NWCC exist?

  • What is working? What is not working?

  • How can we be changemakers in our communities?

  • How do we balance humanitarian and security issues?

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NWCC’s New Director of Membership Services